Your dentist in Lawrenceville knows how incredibly unnerving a trip to have your teeth checked or cleaned can be for some patients. If this sounds like you, it’s essential to know that you’re not alone. Besides the fact that millions of Americans struggle with anxiety about seeing the dentist, you’ve… Read More…
It’s always good to get out and get some exercise. When you’re participating in any sport, your dentist in Lawrenceville will always remind you to protect your smile. All too often, we talk about avoiding sweets or sports drinks, food, and beverages that can damage your enamel and break down… Read More…
Fluoride is one of the best ways to keep teeth strong, healthy, and protected against decay. But what is fluoride? Who needs it? How much do they need? We know you have questions, but don’t worry… the team at our dental office in Lawrenceville is here to answer them. What… Read More…
Swimming is a popular summertime activity, and it’s good for you too! It’s a great form of cardiovascular exercise, it’s easy on the joints, and it’s a sweet way to cool off on those hot days. But the team at our Lawrenceville dental office knows that there could be some… Read More…
Your Lawrenceville dentist knows what it’s like to lose a tooth. Sometimes there’s a little pain. Sometimes you might feel embarrassed. Sometimes you’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time and then “smack” your tooth gets knocked out. Trust us when we say it happens (and it’s probably… Read More…
Your dentist in Lawrenceville always wants what’s best for you and your smile. That’s why if there’s something you’re concerned about, we hope you’ll take the time to talk to us. One of the biggest questions we seem to get from time to time is about snoring and how it… Read More…
If you’ve ever experienced tooth sensitivity, you’re well aware of just how uncomfortable it can be. Something as simple as drinking a cold beverage or trying to enjoy a of bowl of ice cream can send you into a fury of pain. When faced with the discomfort of sensitive teeth,… Read More…
We all know that it’s important to brush and floss regularly in order to protect our smiles from decay and cavities. But did you know that taking care of your oral health can also help protect your heart too? To celebrate American Heart Month, our dental office in Lawrenceville wants… Read More…
Making sure you and your family get enough of the right vitamins and minerals is an important part of helping your bodies stay healthy. Your oral health is no different. Kids and adults alike need to get the recommended amount of a variety of vitamins (and minerals!) in order to… Read More…
There are plenty of places to get oral health advice — our dental office in Lawrenceville, friends or family members, and perhaps even the internet. But not all dental advice is created equal. In fact, there are several tips that we’ve heard that are just not true, some of which… Read More…