Lawrenceville Dental Blog

Let’s Talk Tonsil Stones: What Are They?
added on: December 20, 2021

Have you or someone in your family ever had a tonsil stone? Are you curious to know what a tonsil stone even is? Let your dentist in Lawrenceville tell you a little bit about tonsil stones, what they are, why they form, and how you can help yourself should they… Read More…

3 Tips for a Picture-Perfect (or Zoom-Perfect) Smile
added on: April 16, 2021

As much of the world has transitioned from in-person meetings to Zoom meetings, people have all of a sudden started looking at themselves way more than they ever did before. While video meetings such as Zoom can be a great help in today’s confusing world, it can be uncomfortable staring… Read More…

Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry
added on: January 19, 2021

There are plenty of reasons why someone may not love the way their smile looks. Maybe their teeth aren’t white enough or perhaps they’re crooked or worn down. Whatever the reason, there’s a cosmetic dentistry solution from your dentist in Lawrenceville that can transform your smile into one you’re proud… Read More…

What’s Causing Your Tooth Pain?
added on: December 29, 2020
Lawrenceville Smiles in Lawrenceville, NJ

Toothaches can happen at any time and they can happen to anyone. But that doesn’t necessarily make having a toothache feel any better. When it comes to finding out what’s causing your tooth pain, and how to treat it, there are few steps you can take. However, please note if… Read More…

4 Things You Can Do To Protect Against Tooth Staining
added on: December 17, 2020
Lawrenceville Smiles in Lawrenceville, NJ

Everyone wants a bright, white smile. But everyday things can take their toll on teeth and cause staining or discoloration. From coffee to wine, to certain medications and beets, it seems that everything we consume can transform our pearly whites into dull, discolored teeth. But, as your dentist in Lawrenceville… Read More…

Does My Dentist Know That I Don’t Brush My Teeth?
added on: November 24, 2020
Lawrenceville Smiles in Lawrenceville, NJ

We’ve all been there — sitting in the dentist’s chair, feeling a little bit guilty about our brushing habits (or lack thereof), and worrying about what our dentist is about to say. But is there anything to actually worry about? Can your dentist in Lawrenceville really tell if you don’t… Read More…

Do Diabetics Need Additional Dental Care? 
added on: November 16, 2020
Lawrenceville Smiles in Lawrenceville, NJ

Every time you visit your dentist in Lawrenceville you will most likely review your health history and discuss any changes that may have happened since your last appointment. This is an important part of making sure you get the best dental care, but why? Your dentist needs to know what… Read More…

Why is Dental Care So Important?
added on: October 27, 2020
Lawrenceville Smiles in Lawrenceville, NJ

We all know that good dental care helps protect teeth against cavities. But did you know that maintaining good oral health can also help protect overall health? In fact, research continues to show us that dental care is key to a healthy body. Join your dentist in Lawrenceville as we… Read More…

Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month
added on: October 15, 2020
Lawrenceville Smiles in Lawrenceville, NJ

October is National Dental Hygiene Month, an entire 31 days dedicated to our trusted and caring hygienists. This year, like most things, the celebration is a little bit different and has an appropriate theme — Faces of Courage. Sponsored by the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Colgate, National Dental Hygiene… Read More…

Why is Staying Hydrated So Important?
added on: June 26, 2020

As we enter the hot summer months, it’s more important than ever to keep our bodies properly hydrated. After all, a well-hydrated body helps organs function properly, can improve sleep, and may even protect against infections. But as your dentist in Lawrenceville knows, drinking enough water isn’t just good for… Read More…

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